sensors - Hygon C86 3250 8-core - PANGU 4GB - THTF ChaoXiang

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Adapter: PCI adapter
in0:         940.00 mV 
fan1:        3690 RPM  (min = 1300 RPM, max = 4800 RPM)
temp1:         +0.0°C  (low  =  +0.0°C, high =  +0.1°C)
                       (crit =  +0.1°C, emerg =  +0.1°C)
                       (highest =  +0.1°C)
power1:        0.00 W  (cap = 100.00 uW)
curr1:         0.00 A  

Adapter: PCI adapter
Tdie:         +33.5°C  (high = +70.0°C)
Tctl:         +33.5°C  

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